

Part exchange of older audio equipment has always been a service we offer at Criterion Audio, and it’s a great way to upgrade your system for a lower cost.

To further enhance this service and aimed at existing owners of their Classic Series and certain Uniti components, our friends at Naim Audio are running a promotion for those who are looking to upgrade: either by adding an optional component such as a power supply or power amplifier etc., or by replacing their current unit with an improved model from their range.

Active now and running until the 15th of July 2019, existing owners of Naim equipment purchased at any time and registered with Naim are eligible to receive price reductions and/or improved part exchange allowances against the upgrade product.

The reductions and values vary depending on the equipment involved, so please get in touch with us directly with details of what you have and we can go from there.


Naim Audio


Mon to Sat, 10:00am to 17:30pm