

Bowers & Wilkins

Approved used Bowers & Wilkins Nautilus (Series 1) supplied by us from new £35,000


KEF LS50 Wireless

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Audeze LCD-2
Upgrade Service

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commodo tellus phasellus elementum sit amet pretium. Contact us to schedule your service


We Now stock a full range of Burmester products

Quisque pellentesque velit vitae efficitur scelerisque. Visit our showroom to discover more


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Experience our

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Criterion Audio Certified Pre-Owned products have undergone a rigourous testing process to ensure that all products are as good as the day they where created. All ofour Certified Pre-Owned products come with a full warranty. Browse our selection of products


All-in-one systems


CD Players


Headphone Amplifiers



Music streaming

Streaming can appear daunting due to the perceived ‘need’ for an understanding of computers and computer networks, but we’re here to look after all of that so our customers don’t need to. Once installed a streamer can offer you a whole world of music at your fingertips in an instant, be it from your own collection of ripped CDs and downloaded albums stored on a hard drive or from one of the many popular streaming services such as Qobuz, Tidal and Spotify – many offering in excess of 100,000,000 tracks! Criterion Audio can guide you through streaming, storage devices and networks, particularly if you are new to this way of listening to music. We have a hand-picked selection of some of the finest music streamers available today.

Power supplies

Turntables & accessories

Discover Us


    Here at Criterion Audio, we pride ourselves in offering a range of services should you require them. Here we detail a range of additional services that we offer.


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Mon to Sat, 10:00am to 17:30pm